Monday, 23 November 2015

Hanoi Police Museum, opened 2015

UQ Museum Studies postgraduates will be undertaking a Field School from 4-15 January 2016 in Vietnam, visiting museums and heritage institutions in Hanoi, Da Nang, Hue and Hoi An. The theme of the field school is 'Museums and Memory' and we will be exploring how memory-work can be utilised in the museum environment and the effects of this. 

Included in our itinerary is a visit to the newly established Hanoi Police Museum, as well as other sites of memory including Thang Long Citadel, Hoa Lo Prison Museum and Hue Ancient Citadel. We will be critical thinking through questions about the role of memory in Vietnam and how this operates in the context of exhibition narratives, objects, sites and photographs.

This blog intends to document our experience.